Saturday, February 22, 2014

Leave Me Standing tall--Let Me Live

Saturday, 22-February-2014 - Veghel - My Dutch name is Els (Alnus incana).   I'm 21 years old. I'm strong and healthy. I've been standing here on this spot, growing up, since 1997, after the homes around me were built and people started to live here, on what used to be a green meadow.  The town of Veghel is planning to cut me down along with 72 other grey alder trees circling, protecting, the Spoorven, the residential area where I live.  Please leave me standing tall--let me live. I can't speak, but you can.  What can you do? 
1) Press "like" here on Facebook to tell Veghel that you want me to live.
2) Stand next to me, or the alder tree nearest you, for an hour from 0600-0700 on Monday, 24-Feb-2014 and hold up this sign. Tape it over the orange dot before you leave.
3) Report your concern to the Town of Veghel using the digital form here.

Thank you.
On behalf of Els,
Spoorven residents:
555 Quirin van Aspert
557 Hans and Marie-José van Duinhoven
613 Johan van den Oord
614 Dennis Srigopal
616 Dale Weiss
617 Tineke Beuving

pics (32) 
bomennota_veghel_2007-04-19 (99 pages)(tree management statute)
drawing of "repair of root pressure damage" activities Spoorven, 12-Feb-2014
Township Veghel letter, 10-Feb-2014, to nearby residents, "repair of root pressure damage"
Public notice, Stadskrant Veghel, 12-Feb-2014, Start of Work Spoorven
dale weiss protest message to Veghel Township , 22-Feb-2014

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